Diskussion:The Baker Street Kids – The Boy Jesus

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Fehlerhafte Version[Quelltext bearbeiten]

Zumindest die letzte Geschichte zu fixen dürfte kein Problem sein, aber dazu müsste der fehlende Text bekannt sein. Der gefundene Text in dieser Geschichte:

jesus and the teachers

each year the boy jesus went to jerusalem with his family for the great passover feast. almost every family in the land went to this feast.

there they talked and ate together. it was like a big party, with everyone in the country invited.

when jesus was twelve, he went with his family again to the passover. as usual, they ate and talked with friends and relatives.

when at last the feast was over, crowds of people gathered in caravans and headed back to their homes.

jesus' family headed back toward nazareth. there were aunts and uncles and cousins and many other family members in this caravan.

it wasn't unusual for a boy to be walking with an uncle or aunt or cousin.

so it wasn't until that evening, when the caravan stopped for the night to rest, that mary and joseph realized that jesus was not there.

they looked everywhere, with every aunt and uncle and cousin they could find. but jesus was not with them. at last they headed back to jerusalem.

mary and joseph looked everywhere they could to find jesus. at last, three days later, they found him.

there he was, sitting in the temple, god's house, talking with the teachers.

mary and joseph noticed that jesus was asking some very tough questions and giving some very good answers.

why have you done this to us? mary asked the boy jesus. your father and i have been worried. we have looked for you everywhere.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx od's house.

but jesus went back home to nazareth with joseph and mary. he was an obedient boy, as you would expect.

mary thought often about what had happened. she must have wondered what it all meant.

so jesus grew up there in nazareth. he became a tall, wise, young man. god loved him, and so did those who knew him.

--H.T.W 08:36, 24. Apr. 2011 (CEST)

Welche BASIC-Erweiterung ?[Quelltext bearbeiten]

Die Überschrift ist die Frage. Wer kann diese BASIC-Erweiterung identifizieren in der das Spiel geschrieben wurde? Hier ein kleiner Ausschnitt des Listings.

7205 IFLLTHENPLOT$3,X-2,(LL-1)*14+75,RM-30,(LL-1)*14+85,1
7210 PLOT$3,X-2,(LV-1)*14+75,RM-30,(LV-1)*14+85,1
7220 GOSUB170:LL=LV
7225 IFIN=13THEN7400
7400 SN=2:GOSUB350
7500 S=1-(SZ>7):GOSUB7505:GOTO8000
7505 BLODE$"side",49152:IFPEEK(49152)=STHENRETURN
7510 GOSUB460:PRINTNF$", you need to turn the disk over to go on.{space*2}to do this, follow these instructions:/"
7520 HOME$LM:PRINT"1.";:HOME$LM+20:PRINT"open the disk drive door."
7530 HOME$LM:PRINT"2.";:HOME$LM+20:PRINT"remove the disk from the disk drive."
7540 HOME$LM:PRINT"3.";:HOME$LM+20:PRINT"turn the disk over."
7550 HOME$LM:PRINT"4.";:HOME$LM+20:PRINT"put the disk in the disk drive."
7560 HOME$LM:PRINT"5.";:HOME$LM+20:PRINT"close the disk drive door."

--H.T.W 08:36, 24. Apr. 2011 (CEST)

Man könnte ja mal den Entwickler selbst fragen, Brian Rice ist nach wie vor umtriebig: http://www.softwaredesigns.com/resume/index.html
GenerationCBM 15:50, 24. Apr. 2011 (CEST)
Gibt es da keine näheren oder genaueren Hinweise von BASIC-Befehlen, so daß man schneller draufkommen kann, ob Eigenentwicklung, Simons BASIC oder Data Becker BASIC...? --Jodigi 22:21, 24. Apr. 2011 (CEST)
Alle neuen Befehle enden mit $, also HOME$, PLOT$, BLOAD$, etc. Das ist relativ unüblich, deshalb dachte ich mir dass sich jemand an diese Art erinnern kann.
--H.T.W 01:20, 25. Apr. 2011 (CEST)